Not every parent can easy recognize the warning signs that their child may be viewing pornography or involved in other compulsive sexual behaviors. A parent may notice some of the warning signs. However, there may be other reasons for your child’s behavioral changes that are unrelated to pornography use. Consider the following:
Physical Behaviors
- Spending time on computer/phone/texting after others are in bed.
- Spending more and more time on the computer/texting/games.
- Changing computer screen when you enter the room.
- Often tired and worn-out.
- Excessive sexualized comments/jokes.
Emotional Behaviors
- Acting withdrawn and/or emotionally disconnected.
- Spending less time with the family.
- Becoming irritable or angry over little things, often blaming others.
Spiritual Behaviors
- Less interested in spiritual things
- Making sarcastic remarks about religious rituals, traditions, etc.
- Resisting attending religious services or participating in religious events.